get a feeling

美 [ɡet ə ˈfiːlɪŋ]英 [ɡet ə ˈfiːlɪŋ]
  • 产生情感
get a feelingget a feeling
  1. Try to get a feeling for the people who live here


  2. Do you get a feeling inside when you write something you like ?


  3. Looking at the signs now I get a feeling of amazement , mixed with sadness .


  4. I think learning language is to get a feeling of the language .


  5. He went to get a feeling for the situation at first hand .


  6. Starting to get a feeling I haven 't had in a long time .


  7. And they get a feeling about something before it even happens .


  8. I get a feeling of inertia in a hot summer day .


  9. You 're supposed to get a feeling from the picture .


  10. I always get a feeling of satisfaction from doing the job properly .


  11. We can do a very simple example so that you get a feeling * numerical idea .


  12. For the first time I get a feeling that I can accomplish something with all my heart .


  13. I 'll get a feeling , that I should have been home , yesterday , yesterday


  14. We could first do a simple example just to get a feeling for what is at stake here .


  15. Ever get a feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach ?


  16. If you study everything he wrote , you get a feeling that you understand the composer more .


  17. From these lines you may get a feeling that the series aims to tell a bigger tale .


  18. Every time I see the decorated fancy goods , I always get a feeling that life is so beautiful .


  19. You might then get a feeling of no or yes , or you may get other information that helps you to understand .


  20. So the Chinese customer who goes there for the first time may easily get a feeling that he is a visitor abroad .


  21. Then when you ask a question , if you 're kinesthetic you 'll get a feeling of going left or right .


  22. So do you get a feeling that most doctors were listening to your lecture understand the key message of your lecture ?


  23. I usually get a feeling about the prey that I 'm hunting , a sixth sense , if you will .


  24. I get a feeling of inertia on a hot summer day . I wish you joy of your long midsummer tour .


  25. I can maybe sometimes , with some of the students , give them a certain direction , but generally I want my students to get a feeling of inspiration .


  26. Experience , get a feeling of peak , but the alienation of modern society , the essence is precisely in sending the kind of seemingly strange things .


  27. You can prepare a positioning , or personal brand statement , that depicts who you are , what you do , and what audience you serve , so that people get a feeling for how you can benefit their company .


  28. For example , you might see a sword , and then you would ask , " Does this mean she 's angry ? " You might then get a feeling of no or yes , or you may get other information that helps you to understand .


  29. You might , for example , assign " to the left " the answer " no , " and " to the right " the answer " yes . " Then when you ask a question , if you 're kinesthetic you 'll get a feeling of going left or right .


  30. Scan the highlights of this year 's Consumer Electronics Show ( CES ) , and you may get a slight feeling of having seen them before .
